What’s New in the Latest Release of AssetAlly — AssetAlly

What’s New in the Latest Release of AssetAlly

We’re constantly exploring new ways to enhance and update AssetAlly to provide your team with the best user experience possible. AssetAlly 1.7 includes several new features, enhancements, and resolutions to your application. Releases like these are done periodically, so your application is consistently improving!

Notable Version 1.7 enhancements include:

Field Validation

The most significant improvement in this release is validation across every form field. This ensures data integrity and helps guide users to know what goes in each field.


Document Address Updates

Users can now edit the address of a group of documents from the Document Portal. This update is useful for document housekeeping.

Say you have a set of documents, and you find out that they all are attached to the wrong address. You can now correct that error. It is useful in cases of typos, placing documents in the wrong location, or address changes.

Notice the edit buttons are on the left of the document search page now.

Water Fitting Dashboard

Mapping water fittings is now supported for communities who track their fitting locations and related as-built or specification documents.

Having fittings mapped and typed are an important step for an eventual transition to more efficient utility and flow modeling.

Basement Backups

Now you can track operator initials when adding basement backup events. This allows you to document who responded to a basement backup.

Learn More

Questions or concerns about upcoming AssetAlly enhancements? Contact our team today!